CPSC Announces Meeting and Requests Comments on Mattress Flammability Standards
The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) would like the industry’s and public’s views on both the Part 1632 smoldering-cigarette flammability standard for mattresses and mattress pads and the Part 1633 open-flame flammability standard for mattresses and mattress sets. This is part of an effort by the CPSC to decide whether to modify these standards by possibly changing the so-called “ticking substitution” standard in Part 1632 and moving all provisions in 1632 that deal with mattresses to Part 1633. If that were to occur, Part 1633 would contain all flammability testing, documentation and other related provisions for mattresses, and Part 1632 would apply only to mattress pads.
Toward that end, the CPSC has announced a public meeting to be held from 1 to 4 p.m. on June 14, 2023, at the CPSC’s laboratory in Rockville, MD. There will also be an option to participate in this meeting remotely. Individuals interested in serving on panels or presenting information at the public meeting must register with the CPSC for that purpose by sending an email with their contact information and proposed presentation topic to [email protected] by May 22, 2023. Others who wish to attend the meeting in person or view it remotely must register by sending an email to the same address by June 7, 2023. Written comments must be received by July 5, 2023. A detailed list of topics about which CPSC staff would like to receive comments can be found in Section IV of the Federal Register Notice.
Two key topics that the CPSC would like to discuss at this meeting are:
1. Ticking substitution: What is the industry’s:
- Experience with the ticking substitution test procedure in 16 CFR part 1632.6
- Assessment and availability of standard materials for use in conducting tests
- Factors affecting the selection of materials
- The impact that substituted ticking materials have on open flame testing performance (16 CFR part 1633)
- The impact that substituted ticking materials have on consumer safety
2. Compliance with 16 CFR Part 1632 and 16 CFR Part 1633:
- Which methods and materials affect flammability test performance for compliance with both standards
- Prototype data trends related to compliance with both standards for mattresses in development and/or introduced to commerce
ISPA plans to attend and participate in the CPSC’s meeting.