ISPA Opposes Flawed New Jersey Paper and Packaging EPR Bill
ISPA joined a coalition of stakeholders to submit a letter of opposition to NJ S 3398. If enacted, this bill would establish a statewide paper and packaging extended producer responsibility (EPR) program in New Jersey.
In particular, the coalition is concerned that the bill would set a harmful precedent by excluding advanced recycling technologies, which break down used plastics into their original components to remanufacture them into new products, from the definition of recycling. Further, the bill adds fourteen broad chemistries to the list of banned substances in packaging and allows a Toxics Packaging Task Force to recommend additional substances to ban. Lastly, the bill sets forth impractical source reduction mandates that may disrupt commerce.
Read the full letter explaining the coalition’s concerns below. ISPA will keep you up to date on any major updates regarding this legislation.