The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has approved a Final Rule to implement electronic filing (eFiling) of Certificate information for regulated, imported consumer products and revise requirements for Certificates of Compliance. All five Commissioners voted to approve the rule with 3 Commissioners voting to approve the rule with an amendment that extends the general implementation date from 12 months to 18 months.   

The CPSC’s new eFiling program will apply to all imported consumer products subject to a mandatory safety standard, including mattresses subject to 16 CFR Part 1632 and 1633. The program requires importers of regulated products to electronically file data elements including: 

  • identification of the finished product; 
  • party certifying compliance; 
  • each consumer product safety rule to which the finished product has been certified;  
  • date and place the finished product was manufactured;  
  • when and where the finished product was most recently tested for compliance; and  
  • contact information for the person maintaining test records. 

The new rule aims to modernize the screening process at ports of entry and strengthen the CPSC’s ability to identify unsafe consumer products and prevent them from entering the United States.