The U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) will host a public meeting to discuss the 16 CFR 1632 (smoldering ignition test) and 16 CFR 1633 (open-flame test) flammability standards for mattresses, mattress pads, and mattress sets. The CPSC is expected to propose changes to the ticking substitution test under Part 1632 and related provisions under Part 1633. The meeting will focus on updates to both standards related to ticking substitution provisions and the possibility of restructuring the standards to be organized by product types instead of hazard scenarios. 

When: The hybrid meeting (that is, both in person and virtual) will be held from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on November 7, 2024.

Where: The hybrid meeting will be held at the CPSC’s National Product Testing and Evaluation Center, 5 Research Place, Rockville, MD 20850. A virtual option will be shared with registered participants before the meeting.

How to register: People interested in presenting at or attending the meeting should email [email protected]. Please include your name, affiliation, and whether you intend to attend in person or virtually. Presenters should also include the topic for their proposed presentation. Individuals interested in presenting information at the meeting should register with their topic by October 23, 2024; all other individuals who wish to attend the meeting should register by November 5, 2024.

As mentioned above, the public meeting will include an opportunity for stakeholder presentations. Specifically, the CPSC requested presentations on the following:

  • Test method(s) for evaluating ticking fabrics for smoldering ignition resistance and/or open flame flammability performance.
  • Considerations for reorganizing the Standards – e.g., clarity, effectiveness, efficiency.

ISPA plans to attend and present at the CPSC’s public meeting.