MD HB 858, which would enact a statewide mattress recycling program in Maryland, was scheduled for a public hearing in the Maryland House Environment and Transportation Committee on Wednesday, March 5. ISPA’s position on this bill is “support with amendments” as the bill varies in several ways from existing mattress recycling laws enacted in other states. ISPA attended this hearing and testified in-person, submitting additional written testimony to detail our requested amendments. ISPA will continue to work with Delegate Hill and other stakeholders on enacting a well-crafted bill in the State.     

In Virginia, two ISPA supported mattress recycling bills were considered. VA SB 990 and VA HB 1974, which would have enacted a mattress recycling program in Virginia in the style of existing MRC states. Unfortunately, due to opposition from the manufacturer’s association in the State, neither bill was advanced during the 2025 legislative session. Instead, a study bill was passed (VA HJ 448), which requires the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality to analyze the economic opportunities related to the Commonwealth’s recycling streams including materials (such as mattresses) that are not currently recycled at scale in Virginia.  

If you have any questions or would like to get more involved in ISPA’s efforts in Maryland or Virginia, please contact ISPA’s Government Affairs Team (Alison Keane, Grant Johnson, and Marty Salamone).